At 12:00 noon on April 2th of 2019, host by the Student Work Department of Central South University and the Xiangya School of Nursing of Central South University and organized by the Nursing Branch of the Association of Young Scientists and Technicians of Central South University and the Graduate Association of Xiangya School of Nursing, a lecture series "Nursing in Africa" was successfully launched in Class 457 in Xiaoqian Building was Xiangya New Campus.
Chaired by Li Xianhong, associate dean of Xiangya School of Nursing, the lecture had Sun Mei, associate professor of the Community Nursing Department as its keynote speaker. For starters, Associate Professor Sun Mei made it clear that she hope to enhance people’s knowledge about Kenya by sharing her valuable experience of in-depth researches conducted there as a member of Silk Road Global Health Fellowship Program. In doing so, she expected to unveil the mysterious veil covering Africa and and provoke thoughts on global health.
During the lecture, through her appealing story telling combined with vivid pictures, Associate Professor Sun Mei presented to her audience Kenya’s marvellous landscape, abundant wildlife resources and hospitable people. But moreover, she elaborated on the current state of Kenya’s multilevel health care services and existing health conditions. According to Sun Mei, in Kenya where young citizens accounting the majority of its population, women and children are the main targets of health care service. Unlike the public health in China, Kenya was plagued by the health condition of chronic disease while still struggling to put the rampant infectious disease under control. The disparity between the affluent and the destitute, the uneven distribution of medical resources and the limited access to free medical services constitute prominent problems facing Kenya.
At the end of the lecture, Associate Professor Sun Mei encouraged the students to think out the box and avail the platform and opportunities for exchange. She hoped that in participating international health programs, students majoring in nurse could make their contribution to the cause of global health while forming a global perspective on health. The lecture was rounded off in a rapturous applause.