Tian Yusheng, a Nursing Graduate Student from Class of 2018 was Invited to Make a Paper Presentation at the 11th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry
published:2019-10-31 09:25:39
author:Tian Yusheng

From October 24 to October 26, under the theme of “Unraveling and understanding violence in clinical practice and with a strong focus on clinically relevant and practically useful interdisciplinary scientific and practical knowledge with regard to interventions aimed at treating and reducing violence and aggression, the 11th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry was convened in Oslo/Lillestrøm, Norway. Tian Yusheng, a nursing graduate student from class of 2018 with Professor Li Yamin as his supervisor and Professor Zhou Jiansong as his vice-supervisor, was invited to make a poster presentation and research paper presentation at the congress.

At the congress, Tian Yusheng presented his paper titled Workplace violence against Chinese healthcare workersan online survey. He began his presentation by introducing Xiangya School of Nursing of Central South University and the Mental Health Institute of the second Xiangya Hospital Central South University. Then, illustrating domestic and foreign healthcare workers exposure to workplace violence, he moved on to an online survey he has carried out to investigate workplace violence against Chinese healthcare workers followed by a detailed report and analysis of the research results. His 30-minute presentation was well-received among attendees at the conference, showcasing the excellence of the students from Xiangya School of Nursing. In addition, Tian Yusheng made a poster presentation about the abstract of his paper titled Workplace violence against Chinese healthcare workers in different levels of hospitals.

It is reported that the 11th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry was co-organized by World Psychiatric Association,European Violence in Psychiatry Research Group and European Network for Training in the Management of Aggression. Held every two year starting from 1922, the congress focus on a wide range of ares, such as epidemiology of violence in clinical psychiatry and its occurrence mechanism, prediction and prevention of violence, safety management in psychiatric wards and interventions for violence, playing a critical role in coping with violent behaviors of patients with mental illness and reducing workplace violence against healthcare workers. The congress attracted more than 600 participants from 36 countries, including psychiatrists, nurses, social workers, lawyers, government employees, scientific research personnel and clinicians.