On March 16, 2018, American Chinese Medical Association (CMB) Open Competition (OC) project application seminar and exchange meeting were held in the conference room of Xiangya Nursing School, Central South University. The conference was sponsored by the Nursing Branch of Young Scientists Association of Central South University and organized by the Graduate Student Union of Xiangya Nursing School.
Members of the Nursing Branch of Young Scientists Association and the Graduate Student Union of Xiangya Nursing School from Central South University attended the meeting. Central South University includes three affiliated hospitals and Xiangya Nursing School. The meeting was hosted by Associate Professor Li Xianhong, president of Nursing Branch of Young Scientists association of Central South University and deputy dean of Xiangya Nursing School.
It is reported that CMB 2018 annual OC project bidding has now begun. This round will continue to support research projects in the field of health policy and systems science, with this year's tender focusing on key research projects related to China's healthcare reform; Young teachers or in-service postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to apply; joint applications with foreign scholars are encouraged; and declarations are encouraged in the form of multidisciplinary research and education projects. The seminar was a timely opportunity for those who wanted to apply, and participants said they benefited a lot from it.
It is believed that under the leadership of the university and the Young Scientists Association, the Nursing Branch of The Young Scientists Association of Central South University will make remarkable achievements and contribute to the construction of "double first-class".