Xiangya Nursing School of Central South University Launched the "Senior Nurse Training Program"
published:2019-03-29 15:44:07
author:Wang Jing, Guo Jia

On the afternoon of March 28, 2019, under the overall guidance of Xiangya Medical School and led by Xiangya Nursing School, the symposium of "Central South University on the Development of Senior Nurse Practitioners Training Project" was held in the conference room 2, 8th floor, Xiaoqian Building, the new campus of Xiangya Medical School. Zeng Qing, Inspector of Health Commission of Hunan Province (in charge of nursing work), Li Zhihong, Director of Medical Management Department of Central South University, Wu Xiaochuang and Xia Xiaobo, Deputy Deans of Xiangya Medical School, Emerson EA, Deputy Director of Rory Meyers School of Nursing, New York University, Tian Hongping, Deputy Director of International Affairs, Senior Professor Jamesetta Alexander Newland; Faculty of Xiangya Nursing School, leaders of three affiliated hospitals, tumor hospital and some hospitals of Zhongxin Xiangya Reproductive and Genetic Hospital and relevant people in charge attended this meeting.

Professor EA and Professor Newland of New York University put forward valuable suggestions and ideas for the development of the project of Central South University based on their experience in three affiliated hospitals and community health service centers in the previous three days and their team's experience in helping to develop the project of senior nurse practitioners in many countries around the world, such as Lithuania and Japan. Then, Deputy Dean Li Lezhi, as director of the development of advanced practice nurse training project, introduced the importance and necessity of the project, combined with previous work foundation, implementation, the landing of the project in the central south university and put forward the concrete plan.

Professor Newland suggested that the working group should form a schedule for project promotion as early as possible, including a series of work such as research, reporting, curriculum setting and enrollment. At the same time he provided proposals for the future senior nurse practitioner registration and assessment system of the formulation.

RNS, which originated in the 1960s, has a well-established international training system and has made a significant impact on health care in many developed countries around the world. Research and practice have proven that senior nurse practitioners provide high-quality basic health care services to the people with good health economics benefits.