Professor Ann B. Williams from Rory Meyers School of Nursing, New York University was Invited to Give A Lecture to the Teachers and Students at Our School
published:2018-11-01 11:04:09
author:Zhou Zhan, Liu Zina

On October 29, 2018, Ann B. Williams, academician of American School of Nursing, Director of Global Affairs Office of New York University Rory Meyers School of Nursing, Honorary Professor of Yale School of Nursing, and visiting Professor of Central South University visited Xiangya Nursing School of Central South University.

At 7 o 'clock in the evening, meeting room 714 in Xiaoqian Building of Xiangya Medical School was full, and Professor Ann B. Williams presented a lecture entitled "Human Rights and the Ethic of Care: A Framework for Health Research and Practice" for PhD and postgraduate students in the school. The lecture was hosted by Ms. Wang Honghong, Deputy Dean of Xiangya Nursing School, and also attended by Dr. Lloyd A. Goldsamt, senior research fellow of New York University.

Professor Ann B.Williams gave a detailed presentation on human rights and ethical care.

By comparing the differences of resources available to people in different countries and regions, the importance of human rights and the imbalance of current development are illustrated. Through the analysis of typical cases, Professor Ann B. Williams asked people to constantly think and feel the ethical dilemmas they might encounter in the study.

Professor Ann B. Williams' professional and detailed explanation gave us a deeper understanding of human rights and the ethics of care. There was a strong academic atmosphere on the scene. Students asked questions enthusiastically, and Professor Ann B. Williams answered them carefully. The lecture ended in warm applause, students said they benefited a lot and expressed their deep gratitude to Professor Ann B. Williams.

Ethical principles are one of the principles that nursing research must follow, and this lecture is also one of the series of activities that our school actively implements the circular requirements of Central South University on carrying out "Scientific Research Ethics and Integrity Education Activities".