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行为干预研究设计和实施的不同方法和模式 发布时间:2020年01月09日 12:06 作者:Li Li教授 报告题目: 行为干预研究设计和实施的不同方法和模式 报  告  人: Li Li教授 报告地点: 中南大学湘雅医学院新校区T309 报告时间: 11月17号(星期二)下午14:30 - 16:30

报告人简介:Li Li教授,Dr. Li Li joinedthe UCLA Semel Institute – Center for Community Health in 2002. She isProfessor-in-Residence at Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences,UCLA Semel Institute and Director of Methods Core, Center for HIVIdentification, Prevention and Treatment Services (CHIPTS). Dr. Li hasconducted research in the areas of HIV prevention and interventions, and socialand cultural aspects of health promotion and services. She specializes inresearch design, intervention development, data collection and assessmentstrategies. She has received research grants to conduct intervention studies inreducing HIV stigma among Chinese service providers, enhancing methadonemaintenance treatment outcomes for IDUs in China,and improving quality of lifefor families and children impacted by HIV in Thailand and China, and HIV preventionfor IDUs and families in Vietnam.